
We made a bunch of Plastimake grapes.

Here's how you can make some too:

  1. Create some light green Plastimake. We mixed 10 yellow pellets and 4 blue pellets from the Plastimake Colouring Kit into 100g of Plastimake.
  2. Pinch off a small piece of green Plastimake and roll it into a ball using your hands. Repeat this process for each grape.
  3. Create some brown Plastimake for the stalks. We mixed 1 red, 1 blue and 1 yellow pellet into about 20g of Plastimake to get a nice light brown.
  4. Draw out the brown Plastimake into long sticks. Do this by slowly pinching and rolling it in your fingers as it drops into a bowl of cold water. 
  5. Cut the brown sticks into small stalks about 1cm long, leave one spare stick to use as the central stalk.
  6. Attach a stalk to each grape by heating each piece and pushing them together. You can heat each part by dipping it in hot water, but it will be much faster with a small heat gun.
  7. Group some of the grapes into bunches of 2 or 3. We found it's helpful to prop up each grape on a piece of Blu-Tack so that they're held firmly in place. Fuse the ends of the stalks together by heating them.
  8. Attach each bundle of grapes to the central stalk. Heat the surface of the central stalk and the stem on each cluster of grapes and press them together. Dip it in cold water after you attach each group of place to ensure they're properly attached.

Although this bunch of Plastimake grapes is unlikely to be mistaken for the real thing, it's still worth noting that they could be a potential choking hazard for young children, or an unpleasant surprise for a distracted adult.


More Plastimake projects: